
I am Tatiana Kalina, professional interdisciplinary artist, designer, painting teacher and methodologist.
    Member of the Union of Artists

    My whole life is closely related to creativity and painting:

    I implement design projects (frescos, wall and wallpaper drawings, paintings, art objects) that transform the home and office area, make it individual and stylish, reflect the character and values of the owner.
    Partner of Lundong University (China)
    Partner of the Central Russian Academy of Modern Knowledge (Russia)
    Organiser and participant of 30+ art exhibitions in Russia and abroad, including the parallel program of the Venice Biennale 2019.
    Founder of the art studio and online school "Kalina-ART.
    If you want to realize your creative idea,
    and decided to ask me for help -
    you are on the right track.
    If you want to realize your creative idea,
    and decided to ask me for help -
    you are on the right track.
    Share the nuances and details of your idea by filling out the initial order form. It will take 3-5 minutes to fill out the form.

    This will help me get an initial idea of what you want and suggest suitable implementation options. Further communication will take place in person.
    Unfortunately, I am not currently accepting orders for individual paintings from overseas clients. If you are outside Russia, I suggest you go to the "Gallery" page and choose a finished painting.
    (с) 2021
    Tatiana Kalina
